
April 2024 Update of Community Plan Completed

January 2021 COVID recovery project started

August 2020 Viability on Community Hub (church project) completed

February 2021 COVID Community Project started in partnership with Community CouncilĀ 

February 2019 – Consultant/co-ordinator appointed

December 2018 – Funding for Co-ordinator post acquired

October 2018 – First AGM held, Directors elected, Community Consultation Re. possible Church acquisition continued

September 2018 – Started to explore options for Kilmartin Church

June 2018 Bookswap started in Kilmichael, Kilmartin, and Ford Villages

June 2018 – Membership campaign started

April 2018 – Register Dunadd Community Enterprise as a Business Ltd by Guarantee.
Joined Development Trust Association of Scotland

January 2018 – Articles of Corporation written

November 2017 – Steering group set-up